
Michelle Slade

Meet Michelle Slade, Dentist in La Verne

Education & Credentials


University of the East; Manila, Philippines


International Dental Program, Universidad De La Salle Bajio School of Dentistry; Leon, Mexico


Prosthodontics, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Dentistry; Los Angeles, CA


I will treat you as a friend first and a patient second. I will love getting to know you and listening to your concerns. You can expect to receive the best treatment plan and solutions to fit your lifestyle.


I have had the privilege of practicing dentistry in the U.S., Mexico, and the Philippines. Those experiences have given me a unique appreciation for people, cultures, and traditions that have made me a better clinician. Over the years, I have seen people's lives change through their new smile.

Professional Associations

American Dental Association, California Dental Association, Orange County Dental Society


My favorite books are Sapiens, Blink, Little Women, and The House of the Spirits. My favorite movies are The Descendants, The Social Network, and romantic comedies. I love to cook, read, hike, and go on road trips with my family.

Find Michelle Slade in La Verne, CA

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